OnychoRx Medicated Nail Pen
The Future of Nail Fungus Treatment
OnychoRx is a unique triple-action medicated nail pen that is used for the treatment of Onychomycosis (nail fungus). OnychoRx works by allowing urea to gently soften the nail tissue and act as a chemical vector by which Undecylenic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Propolis and Isolates penetrate the nail tissue and eradicate the fungi causing the infection. Ongoing clinical studies show that OnychoRx may be useful in non-fungal Onychodystrophy (thickening of the nails) due to its unique ability to soften and clear the nail of excess keratin.
How to Treat Nail Fungus Infections Successfully Using the OnychoRx Medicated Nail Pen
- Apply a small amount of OnychoRx topical medicated pen once a day directly to all nails until you see medication visible on the nails
- Allow liquid to dry before wearing socks and shoes
- Occasional filing of the nails to reduce thickness may improve nail penetration
OnychoRx is best used in combination with TineaRx, as an adjunct in the treatment of Onychomycosis. TineaRx, when used on the skin around the nails, inhibits migration of fungal flora from the skin to the nail. Ongoing clinical studies suggest that Aluminum Octenyl Succinate may potentiate the effects of Undecylenic Acid - the active ingredient in the OnychoRx nail pen. Our scientists believe that the OnychoRx nail pen should be used with TineaRx cream for best results in the management of onychomycosis.
Patients should begin to see nail changes in 3-4 weeks with daily use. Average treatment duration is 12 or more weeks. Continuation of this application protocol is recommended until ALL nails have cleared.
Nail Fungus Facts
- Onychomycosis is the medical term for fungal infection of the nails caused by organisms such as dermatophytes, yeast or mold
- Estimates show ~10%-15% of adults are affected by nail fungus
- Fungus thrives in dark, warm and moist environments
- Toenails are more commonly affected than fingernails – as sweaty feet, damp socks and lack of light from shoe wear are all contributing factors
- Nail fungus causes unsightly appearance to the nails including
- Thickening
- Brittleness
- Layering
- Discoloration – yellow/white/darkened
- Build up called “subungual debris” under the nail
- Nail fungus is rarely associated with pain or foul odor
- Lab tests can confirm or rule out the presence of a fungus infection of the nails
- Onychomycosis often lasts months to years and will worsen if not treated adequately
- Nail fungus can spread from one nail to another and eventually infect all of the nails
- Nail fungus can spread to the skin causing Athlete’s foot (Tinea Pedis)
Treatment and Prevention
- Nail fungus treatment
- Topical medications – Over the counter and/or prescription
- Oral Antifungal drugs
- Laser Nail Therapy
- Mechanical Breakdown / Filing the nails – this creates cracks and crevices in the nails in addition to decreasing the associated thickness of the nail plate and can advance the effectiveness of topical treatments
- Thinning the nails also allows for more light to the nail bed and less buildup to accumulate in the nail bed
- In severe cases, nail removal may be necessary due to significant deformity of the nail, infection and/or pain
- Ways to prevent nail fungus
- Change socks regularly to limit moisture
- Use of drying agents to decrease sweat build up on the skin
- Keeping nails short and trimmed
- Regularly washing your nails and making sure they are fully dry before applying socks
- Wearing slippers in public pools, locker rooms & showers
- Avoid sharing socks, shoes, nail clippers and nail polish with others
* Pedicures should be performed by nail salons using sterile instruments for each individual *